Jonathan Taylor
A digital marketing leader and technical writer specializing in SEO and growth marketing, Jon knows all the ins and outs of creating insightful marketing dashboards. Whether deciding which metrics and KPIs to visualize for marketing teams or building dashboards using essential cloud services, Jon is a trusted industry expert with years of experience in marketing analytics.

Case Study: How Stupid Cancer manages all the moving parts with Klipfolio Dashboard

Meet your data mashups - 3 examples for your dashboard

Why being intelligent about your business may not be easy, but should be simple

Displaying poll results using a pie chart

Client management in 5 steps

Component overview - 5 features to make your charts stand out

Release Roundup - 4 new data visualizations for your dashboard

Component overview - Mapping your performance

Component overview - Turning the tables on data visibility

Component Overview - The "Value" of simplicity

Getting started with SOQL

Full-throttle ahead - Best practices for the Gauge KPI visualization

Ready, aim, fire! How a simple bullet chart can help you hit your targets

Part 3: The history of Klipfolio

Part 2: The history of Klipfolio

Part 1: The history of Klipfolio

Celebrating 10 years in business!

Case Study - Premier Stationary

Case Study - MEC Global