Sales Manager Dashboard

Sales manager dashboards provide a straightforward visual overview of crucial performance indicators for effective sales leadership.

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Sales Dashboards Example - Sales Manager Dashboard

Sales manager dashboards provide a straightforward visual overview of crucial performance indicators for effective sales leadership. These tools help managers track progress, identify trends, and make informed decisions to boost team productivity and achieve revenue goals.

What is a Sales Manager Dashboard?

Sales manager dashboards provide metrics essential for effective sales leadership. These dashboards offer real-time insights into team performance and progress toward revenue targets, allowing sales managers to make informed, data-driven decisions to facilitate better strategies.

Examples of Sales Manager Dashboards

Monthly KPI Dashboard

Monthly KPI dashboards help sales managers track revenue and see if goals are within reach. By comparing current performance metrics with historical data, these dashboards offer a crucial context for evaluating sales trends. This way, managers can quickly recognize challenges and opportunities to optimize sales outcomes and meet revenue targets.

Who’s it for

Sales managers

How often it's needed

Monthly and quarterly

Covered KPIs

Revenue progress, sales targets, closed deals, pipeline value, historical revenue data, target achievement status, sales trends, current performance metrics, goal attainability

Team Overview Dashboard

Team overview dashboards help you observe team performance at a glance. They display progress towards targets, allowing managers to identify issues and offer support quickly. The dashboards include primary business metrics (like revenue and pipeline progress) and other secondary indicators for a broad picture, allowing your managers to shift their team's focus to high-value activities and customers.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Sales targets, team revenue targets, sales conversion rates, average order value (AOV), sales pipeline progress, closing ratio, sales cycle length, customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), win rate

Tracking Orders vs. Invoices Dashboard

The tracking orders vs. invoices dashboard simultaneously monitors monthly invoices issued and orders completed, providing a comprehensive view of the sales pipeline. The dashboard also tracks the “total order book,” representing orders awaiting invoicing. This helps you anticipate future revenue, effectively handle resources, and clearly understand business performance.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, e-commerce managers, c-level executives, sales operations teams

How often it's needed


Covered KPIs

Customer order status, cash flow projection, backlog trend, perfect order rate, average time between order and invoice, revenue forecast, sales pipeline progress, total order book value, monthly orders completed, monthly invoices issued

Live Monitoring Dashboard

A live monitoring dashboard assists you in overseeing high-volume inbound lead processing teams. It provides real-time insights into sales activity metrics (specifically those directly related to leads), team performance information, and lead status data. This encourages managers to produce calculated choices and streamline team efficiency in fast-paced environments.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, team leaders, operations managers, performance analysts, sales representatives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly

Covered KPIs

Active leads, lead conversion rates, team productivity, lead processing speed, lead quality, performance vs. targets, sales pipeline value, lead source effectiveness, customer engagement levels

State of Sales Dashboard

The state of sales dashboard is a vital command center for sales leadership, offering a daily or weekly snapshot of critical team-wide metrics. It provides instant insights into broad sales performance and pipeline health. Reviewing the dashboard encourages informed decision-making to optimize sales performance and achieve your targets.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily or weekly

Covered KPIs

Total team revenue, total deal amount in pipeline, sales quota attainment, forecast accuracy, new leads generated, employee satisfaction, turnover rate, calls booked by quarter/year, average team deal amount

Forecasting Dashboard

A forecasting dashboard is a weekly weather report for your sales team's performance. This dashboard enables managers and executives to proactively anticipate potential obstacles and coach reps. By regularly reviewing it, you can identify warning signs that might hinder the goals you’ve set for your business.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, C-level executives, performance analysts, team leaders

How often it's needed


Covered KPIs

Team win rate, average deal amount, sales cycle duration, total pipeline value

Sales Rep Dashboard

A sales rep dashboard allows managers to quickly identify underperforming reps, potential issues, and coaching opportunities. The routine use of this dashboard enables proactive management and optimization of individual and team performance.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, team leaders, individual sales reps, e-commerce managers, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily or weekly

Covered KPIs

Conversion rate, total revenue generated, sales quota attainment, activity engagement, opportunities in pipeline, customer retention rate, potential risks and neglected accounts, leads generated, average deal amount, sales cycle duration

Win/Loss Dashboard

A win/loss dashboard tracks sales performance trends over time. It reveals team and individual strengths and weaknesses. This tool encourages you to make analytical decisions and devise strategies to boost wins and reduce losses.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, C-level executives, sales team leaders, individual sales representatives, business analysts and strategists

How often it's needed

Weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly

Covered KPIs

Win rate, customer attrition, win/loss ratio, average deal size, sales cycle length, conversion rate by stage, gross revenue retention, revenue won vs. revenue lost, reasons for wins and losses, performance by market segment or industry, sales growth by market segment, top performing products or services

Sales Lead Dashboard

A sales lead dashboard helps sales reps and lead generation teams evaluate the effectiveness of their prospecting and marketing efforts. This weekly dashboard helps identify the most productive channels for high-quality leads by tracking lead sources and conversion rates. It lets teams focus on strategies that yield the best results.

Who’s it for

Sales representatives, lead generation teams, sales managers, marketing teams

How often it's needed


Covered KPIs

New outbound leads, new inbound leads, win rate by lead type, lead source effectiveness, conversion rates by lead source, lead quality metrics, time to conversion, cost per lead (CPL), return on investment (ROI) for lead generation efforts, lead nurturing effectiveness

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Pipeline Generation Dashboard

Pipeline generation dashboards give you an overview of the data necessary for maintaining a healthy sales pipeline. They track the pipeline value-to-sales ratio, guaranteeing potential deal value to meet sales targets. These insights into pipeline growth and conversion rates will ultimately let you proactively adjust strategies and ramp up prospecting when necessary. 

Who’s it for

Sales managers, marketing teams, sales representatives, e-commerce specialists

How often it's needed


Covered KPIs

Total pipeline value, pipeline growth rate, conversion rate, pipeline velocity, target vs. actual pipeline

Sales Conversion Rate Dashboard

The sales conversion rate dashboard thoroughly analyzes each stage of the sales cycle. It highlights areas of success and improvement within your team's performance. In turn, you’ll find it easier to optimize overall conversion rate.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, sales representatives, sales operations teams

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly

Covered KPIs

Overall sales conversion rate, stage-by-stage conversion rates, sales cycle length, lead-to-opportunity ratio, opportunity-to-win ratio, win rate by sales representative, revenue generated per conversion, CAC, ROI from sales activities

Sales Leaderboard Dashboard

A sales leaderboard dashboard keeps track of individual and team performance. It encourages healthy competition among sales reps, driving them to achieve their goals. 

Additionally, the tool provides real-time insight into who is excelling and who needs support. Viewing it will help you and your reps stay focused on success, boosting overall sales.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, team leaders, sales representatives, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly

Covered KPIs

Total sales revenue, closing ratio, conversion rates, average deal size, sales cycle length, customer acquisition costs, customer lifetime value, sales quota attainment

Deal Performance Dashboard

A deal performance dashboard provides a clear snapshot of your sales pipeline. With just one look, you can see expected closures, ongoing deals, and recent additions. Using this tool helps your team track changes over time, improving the accuracy of your sales forecasts.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, sales executives, business analysts, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Deal closure rate, pipeline value, new deals created, pipeline changes over time, sales cycle length, win/loss ratio, average deal size, revenue forecasts, sales team performance metrics, conversion rates at each stage of the sales funnel

Sales Performance by Region Dashboard

A sales performance by region dashboard reveals your top-selling territories and most popular products. It provides information regarding product performance across different geographical areas. The dashboard also tracks monthly recurring revenue, enabling quick comparisons to previous periods.

Who’s it for

Regional sales managers, product managers, sales directors, marketing teams, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly

Covered KPIs

Revenue by region, sales by region, MRR, year-over-year growth by region, market penetration by region, regional sales quota attainment, customer acquisition cost by region, customer lifetime value by region, regional conversion rates, product mix by region

Sales Activities Dashboard

A sales activities dashboard offers a clear view of your sales team's daily performance. It highlights each rep's productivity, helping you spot top performers and those who may need extra support. Regular use of this tool makes it simple to assess team efficiency and quickly address any areas that need improvement.

Who’s it for

Team leaders, sales managers, operations managers, individual sales representatives, sales trainers, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Call volume, emails sent, meetings scheduled and attended, new leads generated, follow-ups completed, proposals sent, deals closed, time spent on various sales activities, conversion rates at different stages, activity-to-outcome ratios

Performance Overview Sales Dashboard

The performance overview sales dashboard delivers a comprehensive snapshot of your sales department's health. It reveals who meets targets and needs support, enabling speedy decision-making. This tool streamlines performance monitoring and report generation, allowing you to adjust strategies efficiently.

Who’s it for

C-level executives, sales directors, sales managers, business analysts, sales operations teams

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Total revenue, sales growth rate, conversion rates, average deal size, sales cycle length, win rate, customer acquisition cost, sales by region or product, pipeline value, forecast accuracy, sales quota attainment, customer retention rate

Time-Tracking Dashboard

A time-tracking dashboard lets you uncover how your employees allocate their work hours. It highlights time-intensive projects and tasks that may need resource adjustments. By indicating productivity bottlenecks, this dashboard enables you to streamline operations to improve overall team efficiency and performance.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, team leaders, operations managers, human resource professionals, project managers, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Time spent per project or task, billable vs. non-billable hours, agent utilization, task completion rate, average time per task type, overtime hours, net profit, time distribution across different activities, productivity trends over time, time spent on core vs. administrative tasks

Sales Opportunity Dashboard

Sales opportunity dashboards highlight the most promising leads in your sales pipeline. They categorize opportunities by region and value by highlighting where to focus your efforts. By showing the stage of each potential sale, they help prioritize your team's actions and drive more efficient sales strategies.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, sales representatives, business development executives, marketing teams, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Number of opportunities in pipeline, total pipeline value, average deal size, win rate, conversion rate by stage, sales cycle length, opportunity age, revenue forecast, regional performance comparisons, selling opportunity

Sales Cycle Length Dashboard

The sales cycle length dashboard offers a view of your sales cycle length across all stages. It helps managers identify inefficiencies and roadblocks in the sales process. By comparing performance across sales reps, it highlights best practices and areas for improvement. 

Who’s it for

Sales managers, sales team leaders, sales executives, business analysts, e-commerce managers

How often it's needed

Weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Average total sales cycle length, time spent in each sales stage, conversion rates between stages, sales rep performance comparisons, deal size vs. cycle length correlation, industry or product-specific cycle lengths, historical trends in cycle length, opportunity aging by stage, win rate in relation to cycle length, stalled deals percentage

Sales Productivity Dashboard

The sales productivity dashboard streamlines how executives visualize their sales pipeline. It merges bird's-eye perspectives with granular team data in a single interface, unveiling hidden trends and pinpointing critical areas for improvement.

Who’s it for

Sales executives, sales managers, sales operations leaders, business analysts, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly

Covered KPIs

Sales revenue, conversion rates, average deal size, win rate, sales cycle length, number of new opportunities created, pipeline value, activity metrics, quota attainment, CAC, lead response time, sales forecast accuracy, churn rate, cross-sell/upsell rates, sales value productivity 

Sales Engagement Dashboard

Sales engagement dashboards offer sales leaders a transparent view of their team's outbound performance. They track outreach campaigns, monitor conversion success across channels, and measure overall engagement. This intuitive tool automates the sales outreach processes while providing deep insights into lead activity. 

Who’s it for

Sales managers, team leaders, marketing managers, chief revenue officers (CROs), sales representatives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Email open rates, email click-through rates, response rates, call completion rates, number of touches per lead, conversion rates, inquiry to response, engagement score per lead, number of meetings booked, campaign performance by channel, sales activity metrics (calls made, emails sent, social touches), lead qualification rate, pipeline velocity, time spent on various sales activities, est performing templates or scripts, A/B test results for different outreach methods

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Become a better sales manager with Klipfolio

Sales manager dashboards are essential for modern sales leaders. They provide instant insights into team performance and centralize key metrics, enabling managers to make informed data-driven decisions that enhance procedures and increase revenue.

Klipfolio’s dashboards help you pinpoint key sales manager metrics quickly. You can customize your view, analyze real-time data, and make informed decisions that boost sales growth. Take charge of your sales team’s performance and start your free trial today.

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