What is Cash Conversion Score?
With Dave Kellogg, Executive in Residence, Balderton Capital
In today’s episode, Allan and Lauren talk with Dave Kellogg, Executive in Residence at Balderton Capital.
Dave goes all-in on Cash Conversion Score: What’s the difference between cash conversion score, capital consumption, and the growth efficiency index? What efficiency does cash conversion score measure?
Dave also shares why cash conversion score is important when it comes to funding and ‘leaky bucket’ metrics.
“You should look at your overall capital consumption efficiency because people are going to look at it. It’s not the first thing they’re going to ask about, but as with any metric, the number matters, but the story matters more.”
If you love learning about metrics, you’ll love MetricHQ, Klipfolio’s online resource for all-things metrics and KPIs.
Metrics mentioned in this episode: