Keyword Opportunity Metric

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SEO KPI Example - Keyword Opportunity Metric

Keyword Opportunity Definition

The Keyword Opportunity KPI analyzes the possibility for improvement for search rankings by comparing current rankings to Google's estimated search traffic volume and competition rating. By leveraging Google's keyword traffic estimator, you can identify opportunities, assess the effort required to rank on given keywords and gain perspective on your current keyword performance. This KPI can also be used to determine your share of traffic, although Google's estimates may differ from your actual traffic volume, so you should utilize multiple data points including Google Webmaster Tools and impression data from AdWords campaigns. Also consider adding this metric to your SEO dashboard.

How to Monitor Keyword Opportunity in Real-time

The Keyword Opportunity KPI should be coupled with related web metrics like keyword performance to provide a complete view of your digital marketing performance.

Learn more about how to track your Keyword Opportunity on a Web Analytics Dashboard and Adwords Campaign Dashboard.

Keyword Opportunity KPI: Top Resources

Keyword Opportunities: 4 Tools That Will Open Your Eyes, Daniel Bianchini

Keyword Opportunities: Turning Keywords into Business Opportunities, WordStream

Rediscovering The Google AdWords Editor Keyword Opportunities Tool, Crosby Grant

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