Sales by Contact Method Metric

Monitor which contact methods are most effective at generating sales.

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Sales KPI Example - Sales by Contact Method Metric


The Sales by Contact Method metric measures which contact methods are the most successful at generating sales, such as email, telephone, or in person. It may be worthwhile to consider this KPI in conjunction with sales rep performance metrics, as some reps may be more effective using different contact methods.

It's also important to consider the costs associated with each contact method to understand when to use different types of tactics. For instance, in person contact methods tend to have higher win rates, but are more expensive upfront because they include travelling expenses. Perhaps consider reserving in person contacts for high value prospects, and rely on email or phone contact for other types of prospects.

Key terms

  • Contact method: The method by which your sales representative communicates with customers. Methods range from in person to self-service.
  • Contact cost: The costs associated with contacting a customer such as long-distance phone charges or travelling expenses.

Success indicators

  • Increasing sales volume/value for a method with a low cost per contact.
  • Decreasing the percentage of sales associated with a low yield, high cost per contact method.

Monitoring Sales KPIs on a Dashboard

Once you have established metrics for measuring Sales by Contact Method, you’ll want to establish processes for monitoring this and other sales KPIs. Dashboards can be critical in this regard. Check out these examples of Sales dashboards

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