Call Resolution Metric

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Call Center KPI Example - Call Resolution Metric


The Call Resolution KPI measures the outcome of each call handled by your agents to monitor how well customer issues are being resolved. The objective of your service center is to quickly resolve calls to meet service level agreements and deliver a high quality of service. Issues that are resolved on the first contact provide an indicator of customer satisfaction and call center efficiency.

The reality is that many issues may require a number of calls or contacts to be resolved. For instance, a difficult technical issue may involve multiple contacts with several agents in order to resolve the issue. The red flag associated with this KPI is the number of issues that are currently unresolved. Make sure to track each contact method your call center uses, as well as the effectiveness of each method.

Key terms

  • Resolved issues: Also called "closed tickets," this is the number of customer issues that have been solved.
  • Unresolved issues: Also called "open tickets," this is the number of customer issues that remain unsolved and require further contacts.
  • Contact method: The method by which your call center team communicates with customers. Methods may include over the phone, email correspondence, or in person contacts.

Success indicators

  • A high percentage of issues that are resolved in the first contact.
  • A low percentage of unresolved or open tickets.

Monitoring Call Center KPIs on a Dashboard

Once you have established benchmarks and targets for Call Resolution, you’ll want to establish processes for monitoring this and other call center KPIs. Dashboards can be critical in this regard. Read more

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