Call Center Status Metrics Metric

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Call Center KPI Example - Call Center Status Metrics Metric


These Call Center Status metrics provide insight into the performance of your call center by monitoring multiple key metrics. Each metric has an important role to play as it helps to paint the picture of your current capabilities and performance. For instance, understanding the number of agents currently logged in can help you anticipate issues that may arise from higher than expected call volume. In response to this, a manager may divert calls to a different service center or call in additional personnel.

Ideally, this visualization would be displayed to everyone in your call center to encourage them to take ownership for call center performance. Agents spending too much time on the phone may impact the how long calls wait to be resolved which, in turn, can negatively impact your customer satisfaction levels. By being made aware of the impact of this behaviour, agents can self-correct to reduce time spent on calls during busy periods.

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