Sales Pipeline Dashboard

A sales pipeline dashboard provides a real-time visual representation of your company’s entire sales process.

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Sales Dashboards Example - Sales Pipeline Dashboard

A sales pipeline dashboard provides a real-time visual representation of your company’s entire sales process. It offers a straightforward view of team performance and enables you to adjust and optimize your sales tactics for continued company growth.

What is a Sales Pipeline Dashboard?

Sales pipeline dashboards act as a live management center for your company’s revenue generation efforts. The tool turns complicated sales data into actionable visuals, allowing managers to make fast, educated decisions. 

By underlining team and personal performance metrics, a sales pipeline dashboard can pinpoint high-value opportunities and guide strategic adjustments to your sales tactics. 

Examples of Sales Pipeline Dashboards

Sales Analysis Dashboard

A sales analysis dashboard tool serves as the command center for your sales operations, gathering data in real-time. It summarizes a myriad of complex processes into precise data that decision-makers can utilize to identify and capitalize on emerging trends. 

The sales analysis dashboard's wide scope enables proactive management, making it a powerful resource for accelerating revenue

Who’s it for

Sales managers, C-level executives, sales team leaders, sales representatives, sales analysis teams

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly

Covered KPIs

Total pipeline value, number of deals in each stage, win rate, average deal size, sales cycle length, conversion rates between stages, revenue forecasts, sales velocity, deal age, activity metrics

Quarterly Forecast Dashboard

A quarterly forecast dashboard offers a panoramic view of your sales landscape. It highlights any potential areas for growth and your pipeline status. 

Moreover, this tool facilitates systematic sales projections by comparing best-case forecasts with former real-world outcomes.

Who’s it for

Sales executives, C-level executives, sales managers and directors, financial planning and analysis teams, board members and investors

How often it's needed

Monthly, quarterly, yearly

Covered KPIs

Quarterly revenue forecast, pipeline coverage ratio, weighted pipeline value, win rate by sales stage, average deal size, sales cycle length, forecast accuracy, quota attainment, yearly growth rate, customer segment distribution, seasonality trends, best-case scenario forecasts, worst-case scenario forecasts, new business vs. upsell/cross-sell forecasts

Sales Growth Dashboard

The sales growth dashboard offers a quick way to analyze sales data across different areas of your business. It assists managers with spotting trends, setting realistic goals, and supporting their team. By showing deal progress, it allows for timely strategy adjustments to boost your revenue. In addition, this tool improves customer focus and makes planning more accurate.

Who’s it for

Sales managers and directors, C-level executives, marketing managers, sales team leaders, business development executives, product managers

How often it's needed

Weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly

Covered KPIs

Sales-to-date, month-over-month (MoM) sales growth rate, revenue per sales rep, customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), new customer growth rate, existing customer growth rate, average deal size growth, win rate trends, market penetration rate, sales qualified leads (SQL) growth, revenue per customer, churn rate, return on sales (ROS)

Sales Cockpit Dashboard

Sales cockpit dashboards streamline your sales team’s workflow. This tool eliminates the need for representatives to navigate multiple platforms, enhancing productivity. Incorporating it with customer relationship management (CRM) and sales tools offers an in-depth picture ofyour sales targets, customer interactions, and progress toward revenue targets.

Who’s it for

Individual sales representatives, account executives, sales team leaders, sales managers, inside sales teams, field sales representatives, sales operation specialists

How often it's needed

Daily or weekly

Covered KPIs

Sales quota attainment, team quota attainment, pipeline value and health, win rate, number of won opportunities, customer engagement scores, product mix in pipeline, forecasted revenue, deals at risk, sales velocity, time spent on various sales activities, customer satisfaction score (CSAT)

Sales Performance Dashboard

A sales performance dashboard combines customer data and sales activities in one place. It lets sales reps quickly find the information they need about potential buyers and what makes them likely to purchase. 

Ultimately, this dashboard enables you to concentrate on the most promising leads, make better choices, and close deals faster. 

Who’s it for

Sales representatives, executive leadership, sales managers

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Lead conversion rate, sales growth, average deal size, sales cycle length, CAC, CLV, win rate, sales by product/service, sales by region, quota attainment 

Sales Summary Dashboard

A sales summary dashboard simplifies sales tracking for your company’s executives. It shows current sales progress, compares it to goals and past results, and breaks down data by product. 

This tool gives sales leaders a clear overview of their endeavors, helping them construct better decisions and concentrate on the big-picture strategy. It is a straightforward way to keep sales on track and improve overall results.

Who’s it for

Company executives, financial analysts, sales managers

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Total sales volume, sales vs. targets, YoY growth, sales by product, sales by region, sales growth rate, average revenue per user (ARPU), customer churn rate, top-performing sales reps, ROS

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360-Degree-View Dashboard

360-degree-view dashboards deliver your sales representatives a summary of their accounts, streamlining their client relationship efforts. This platform consolidates relevant KPIs across critical aspects of the sales process and customer relationships, giving you a comprehensive picture of your client's organizational structure.

Who’s it for

Sales representatives, account managers, customer success teams

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Account status, revenue from account, next follow-up date, CSAT, last interaction date, product usage, client organizational structure, issues logged, potential for upsell/cross-sell, CLV

Sales Territory Dashboard

Sales territory dashboards can significantly boost your revenue through data-driven insights. They enable increased sales without additional spending by providing an expansive view of performance across different regions. 

A well-executed sales territory dashboard optimizes resource allocation, enhances market presence, and drives overall sales performance. 

Who’s it for

Sales managers, sales executives, sales representatives

How often it's needed

Quarterly and yearly

Covered KPIs

Sales volume by territory, territory revenue growth, customer density, territory coverage, market potential, sales per rep, customer acquisition rate, account load per rep, territory profitability

Sales KPI Dashboard

The sales KPI dashboard provides you with a real-time summary of key sales metrics, like sales cycle lengths and customer churn rates. Users of this dashboard will find it easier to identify trends and strengths for more effective strategy adjustments and resource allocations. 

Who’s it for

Sales managers, account managers, sales analysts, sales executives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Total sales, sales growth, sales target achievement, conversion rate, average deal size, sales cycle length, lead response time, CAC, customer churn rate, forecast accuracy

Account Manager Dashboard

An account manager dashboard converges imperative data points, enabling your account managers to nurture existing clients and effectively identify potential upsell avenues for increased earnings. This allows you to strengthen your customer relationships and drive revenue expansion across your business. 

Who’s it for

Account managers, sales managers, sales executives, customer success managers

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Account health score, monthly recurring revenue (MRR) per account, CLV, up-sell and cross-sell opportunities, CSAT, net promoter score (NPS), engagement level, response time, renewal rate

Executive Sales Dashboard

Executive sales dashboards gather critical aspects of the sales pipeline and showcase them in one authoritative interface. By providing real-time visibility into vital sales indicators and trends, the dashboard lets you identify areas that need your attention, effectively distribute resources, and make growth-centric decisions.

Who’s it for

Chief sales officers, vice presidents of sales, sales directors, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Total sales revenue, sales growth rate, win rate, average deal size, lead conversion rate, sales cycle length, quota attainment, sales by region/product, CAC, customer retention rate, forecast accuracy

Sales Opportunity Dashboard

A sales opportunity dashboard spotlights promising leads, giving you the necessary data to focus your sales efforts where they matter most. With it, your sales teams can precisely navigate their pipeline, anticipate challenges, and identify the most promising routes for expansion.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, sales representatives, business development managers, sales operation teams

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Number of opportunities, opportunity stage distribution, estimated sales value, conversion rate, average sale price, opportunity win rate, sales cycle length, age of opportunities, lead source analysis, sales rep performance, forecasted revenue, missed sales opportunity

Sales Engagement Dashboard

Monitor and optimize your sales outreach with a sales engagement dashboard, which outlines the impact of your outreach efforts. This tool provides a picture of how your team interacts with prospects and customers, spotlighting the effectiveness of your sales strategies. 

Using its data, you can simplify operations, effectively coach your team, and drive sustainable revenue growth.

Who’s it for

Sales managers, sales executives, sales directors, sales operation leaders

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly

Covered KPIs

Outreach activity volume, engagement levels, response rates, pipeline progression rates, conversion rates at each stage, average deal size, sales cycle length, win rates

Sales Activities Dashboard

A sales activities dashboard displays metrics, like call volume and duration, that provide valuable insight into your sales efforts. Leveraging this info allows you to recognize top performers, identify improvement areas, and fine-tune your sales approach for maximum impact.

Who’s it for

Individual sales representatives, sales team leaders, sales operations managers, sales managers, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly

Covered KPIs

Call volume, longest call length, email outreach volume, response rates, conversion rates, sales pipeline progression, number of meetings scheduled, time spent on various sales activities

Deal Performance Dashboard

A deal performance dashboard offers a comprehensive view of your sales pipeline and gives you a decisive edge in your sales process. This critical lets you focus on top opportunities, accurately predict revenue, and make decisions that boost revenue performance.

Who’s it for

Account managers, sales operations teams, business development specialists, sales managers, C-level executives

How often it's needed

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

Covered KPIs

Win rate, average deal size, sales cycle length, pipeline velocity, conversion rates by stage, expected closure dates, deal probability, top performing products/services

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Let Klipfolio guide your team to better sales

Klipfolio’s sales pipeline dashboards offer an up-to-date snapshot of your company's sales activities, allowing you to review your teams’ performance and identify essential points for growth. By turning elaborate data into understandable visuals, a sales pipeline dashboard will enable you to make strategic decisions and foster personalized and effective sales campaigns.

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