Sales Bookings Metric

Measure the value of bookings over a specific time period.

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Sales KPI Example - Sales Bookings Metric


The Sales Bookings metric measures the value of bookings over a given time period, where a "booking" is a won, signed, or committed sale. It's important to note that a booking isn't necessarily invoiceable until you have delivered the product or completed the required services.

This is a high level metric that is designed to be consumed by executives and financial analysts, and it will be used in strategic decision-making and forecasting. Depending on your business model, bookings can be categorized by region, by sales representative, or client.

Key terms

  • Booking: A won, signed, or committed sale where the purchase order has been received and approved.

Success indicators

  • An increase in the dollar value of bookings for a given time period.

Monitoring Sales KPIs on a Dashboard

Once you have established metrics for measuring Sales Bookings, you’ll want to establish processes for monitoring this and other sales KPIs. Check out these examples of Sales Dashboards.

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