Facebook Ads CPM and CPP (Last 7 Days)
Compare cost per impressions and cost per 1000 people reached over the past 7 days.
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Get This Klip +Free for 14 days ● No credit card requiredThe Facebook Ads CPM and CPP metric allows business to compare cost per impressions and cost per 1000 people reached over the past 7 days. Facebook defines CPM (cost per 1000 impressions), as the average cost you’ve paid to have 1,000 impressions on your ad.
CPP means cost per pixel. Pixels allow us to follow up with people who have visited our website in general, specific pages on the site, a sales pages, etc. The key is that pixels allow you to make targeted offers to individuals based off of pages they’ve visited.
About the visualization
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About Facebook Ads
Facebook is one of the leading social media platforms used by millions of people worldwide. A major traffic driver for websites and a reputation builder for companies, Facebook is a great way to spread your company’s name and it’s content to users. Facebook Ads allows you to push targeted ads to specific, custom segments of people.
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