Stitch Labs tracks sales data in the cloud with Klipfolio

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Published 2023-03-21

Summary - This case study shows how inventory solution provider, Stitch Labs, uses Klipfolio to simplify its sales operations.

Case Study: Stitch Labs tracks sales data in the cloud with Klipfolio

Here’s an excerpt of the study to get you started

Company Background: Stitch Labs, a San Francisco company, provides online inventory control solutions for small businesses allowing them to simplify their multichannel retail businesses. Stitch is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering available on a subscription basis. It automatically synchronizes inventory, orders and sales across channels, providing retailers with operational efficiencies and a holistic understanding of their businesses. Retailers find that with Stitch they are able to save time, make better decisions, and grow faster.

Business Challenge: Stitch uses CRM industry leader Salesforce to track and store sales data. The metric Stitch focused on most of all is the size of its overall customer base. They also track new customers on a month-to-month basis and how customers move from one stage of the sales funnel to the next.

But as the number of Stitch customers grew, it created a new problem for the company. When the company had only a few employees, it was easy to stay on top of key sales data. But as the company grew to over forty employees it became harder and harder to keep everyone on the same page as to how the company was doing.

Download the Stitch Labs Case Study To See How Klipfolio Simplifies Sales Operations

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