International Women's Day 2021

Published 2023-04-05
Summary - This International Women's Day we're celebrating the women of MetricHQ and their contributions to building our metrics and KPIs community.
“The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist, nor to any one organization, but the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.” - Gloria Steinem, world-renowned feminist, journalist, and activist.
Progress is defined by Merriam-Webster as a forward or onward movement; gradual betterment.
2021 marked a day in history that women and girls have been waiting for for generations. The first female, African-American and Asian-American Vice-President, Kamala Harris, was elected into office in the United States. This is a moment in history for women and girls—now and in the future—and represents progress.
But we still have a long journey ahead of us to create a truly inclusive world for women and girls.
The UN released a report that underscores the impact of COVID-19 and its relationship to society’s reliance on women both at work and at home. To quote the article, “In times of crisis when resources are strained and institutional capacity is limited, women and girls face disproportionate impacts with far reaching consequences.”
McKinsey and Lean In also released a comprehensive new study that suggests many women, especially mothers, may have to step back or away from their careers due to COVID-19’s impact on their lives.
I won’t see gender parity in my lifetime, and it’s likely that the next generation won’t either. In fact, the 2020 Global Gender Gap Report cites that we won’t see gender parity for another 99.5 years.
There’s still work to be done. UN Women defines gender inequality as “equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for all genders.” Gender inequality is everyone’s issue but it's clear that it has been exacerbated by the pandemic. Our actions and resilient efforts now by everyone matter, because without them we’ll never be on the path to change. Continued progress is a collective effort from all of us.
March 8 is International Women's Day
International Women’s Day (IWD), celebrated annually on March 8, is a global day celebrating the economic, social, cultural and political achievements of women and an opportunity to widely:
- Celebrate women's achievements
- Raise awareness about women's equality
- Lobby for accelerated gender parity
- Fundraise for female-focused charities
The 2021 theme for IWD is #ChooseToChallenge. We’ve asked our Klipfolio employees to share how they are choosing to challenge gender inequality and their commitment to action. We shared their responses on our Twitter feed. Here is a link to the thread to check it out.
Klipfolio's pledge to address pay parity
At Klipfolio, we aim to celebrate the achievement of women and raise awareness about inequality every day. We’re a small team with an almost-even split between men and women.
In the fall of 2020, Unbounce rallied peers to take action on closing the pay gap. Klipfolio pledged to prioritize pay parity and #PayUpForProgress. Unbounce defines pay parity and equal pay as self-identifying women and self-identifying men, in the same job and location, being paid fairly, relative to one another. According to 2016 census data, the overall wage gap for Canadian women is approximately 13%.
I mentioned earlier that nearly half of our Klipfolio employees identify as women, and on International Women’s Day we’d be remiss to not celebrate the women of MetricHQ, too—an extension of our Klipfolio family.
MetricHQ is an online dictionary of metrics and KPIs. What makes MetricHQ so special is that it’s curated and created by a community of metrics and KPI experts.
Meet the women of MetricHQ
110 metrics (out of the 254 metrics currently on MetricHQ) were written by 11 women across Canada, the United States, and India. You can read and learn more about each metric by clicking the link.
Now, without further ado, let’s meet the women of MetricHQ!
Apoorva Lakshman
Apoorva is a bank branch manager and skilled in credit analysis, ForEx, accounting and financial analysis.
Metric: Non-Operating Expenses
Area of expertise: Finance

Donna Weber
Donna is a president and customer onboarding leader, skilled in customer onboarding, customer success, and program development.
Metric: Time to Value
Area of expertise: SaaS

Jennifer Batley
Jennifer is a founder and executive consultant, and a customer experience and transformation strategist, and is skilled in strategy, customer insight and customer experience.
Metric: Customer Satisfaction, Propensity to Review
Area of expertise: Sales and Success

Katherine Shaoul
Katherine is an analytics professional and is skilled in social media marketing.
Metric: Video Starts, Video Completions, Video View Through Rate, Video Watch Time, Video Views
Area of expertise: Marketing

Lauren Thibodeau
Lauren is a founder, CEO, and senior consultant, and is skilled in leadership, program management and strategy.
Metric: Time to Value, Customer Health Score, Gross Revenue Retention Rate, Customer Effort Score, Annual Contract Value
Area of expertise: SaaS

Marianne Hynd
Marianne is a social media strategist and is skilled in market research and social media marketing.
Metric: Cost Per Unique Inline Click, Cost Per Unique Click, Cost Per Pixel, Cost Per Inline Post Engagement, Following, Post Shares, Post Impressions
Area of expertise: Marketing

Priyaanka Arora
Priyaanka is Klipfolio’s content researcher and writer, and she’s our MetricHQ champion. She has penned a total of 83 metrics (with more added all the time!)
Metric: DAU:MAU Ratio, Post Engagement Rate, EBITDA Margin
Area of expertise: SaaS, Marketing, Finance

Soha Yasrebi
Soha is a co-founder and MBA candidate, and is skilled in project management and programming.
Metric: Logo Churn
Area of expertise: SaaS

Stacey Shrout
Stacey is a business owner (and Klipfolio’s accountant) and is skilled in accounting and financial reporting and analysis.
Metric: Net Profit Margin, Account Balance
Area of expertise: Finance

Susan Richards
Susan is a managing partner and is skilled in leadership, start-ups, and financial analysis.
Metric: SaaS Quick Ratio
Area of expertise: SaaS

Metrics measure progress
The Gender Development Index, the Gender Empowerment Measure and the Global Gender Gap Report are examples of metrics in action that address gender inequality. Measuring the metrics related to gender inequality is an indicator of progress and helps to identify if we’re on the path to significant change, or where the work still needs to be done.
A big thank you to the women on MetricHQ who have contributed to and helped grow our community. If you’re interested in learning how you can get involved with MetricHQ, reach out to us.
Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength. - G.D. Anderson
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