10 must-have search marketing metrics

Published 2023-03-21
Summary - Digital marketers are constantly trying to increase their company’s SEO visibility, and it can be difficult to manage, analyze, and implement the right content and data to do this. Here you will find a multitude of metrics that will help you build out a sleek search marketing dashboard.
Organic search traffic is the backbone of SEO. Services such as Google Analytics, Moz, Searchmetrics, and Alexa gather extensive search marketing data that you can track, and in turn help you drive more leads to your website. With great data comes great responsibilities...Get it! But seriously, gathering search marketing data means all kinds of things, but it’s important to remember that action is dependant on what you are looking for, a question that relies on the metrics you decide to track. I’ve brought together 10 of the most important and informative search marketing metrics to my team.
Digital marketers are constantly trying to increase their company’s SEO visibility, and it can be difficult to manage, analyze, and implement the right content and data to do this. Here you will find a multitude of metrics that will help you build out a sleek marketing dashboard and better understand how to define your organization's KPIs.
I have even more good news: building a social media dashboard isn't hard! Each of the metrics shown in this blog are only a few clicks away. All you need is a Klipfolio account (which you can set up for free), and then you can add these metrics as instant metrics. It's really that simple.
Search Marketing Dashboard
In recent years, social media has become increasingly influential in the realm of marketing and consumer behaviour. For that reason, marketing teams are allocating a significant portion of their work towards social media marketing. That being said, it’s easy to forget there’s another major conversion driver: search engine traffic. Search engine traffic is, and will always be, a crucial component of company awareness and success. Pushing out great content that prospects are searching for and wanting to read increases brand trust, and the more you do this, the more visibility you will gain.
I want my team to be able to see how our content pages are ranking and how effective our pages are at converting users into leads. More importantly, we want to be able to seek out opportunities and measure how our efforts respond to these gaps. Our search metrics dashboard gives them insight into the metrics that matter and provide them with actionable data.
10 essential metrics to have on your search marketing dashboard
Keeping track of all your search engine marketing metrics can get overwhelming, and knowing which metrics to monitor can be tough. Here are a few of the top metrics used to monitor search marketing metrics:
Google Analytics

1. Click-Through Rate

Make sure you are hitting this month’s targets for driving traffic to your website. Monitor key stats on every channel source and compare it to the previous month. Learn more about Click-Through Rate.
2. Landing Page Performance

Find out which landing pages are the most popular with organic search traffic, and analyze the experience of those users on your website. Learn more about Landing Page Performance.
3. Web Trafic Concentration

Measure the ratio of site visitors on a specific page, in comparison to total site visitors. Learn more about Web Trafic Concentration.
4. Web Traffic Sources

Understand which traffic sources are driving visitors to your website. Learn more about Web Traffic Sources.
5. First Visit

Understand how people are finding your website and how engaged they are on their first visit. Learn more about First Visit.
6. Referral Traffic

Measure the volume of traffic directed to your site from outside sources. Learn more about Referral Traffic.
7. Keyword Performance

Measure keyword rankings to understand how effective your SEO efforts are at driving traffic to your website. Learn more about Keyword Performance.

8. Top Pages by Page Authority

Discover the top pages on your website by ranking them by Page Authority.
9. Domain Authority

Predict how well a website will rank on search engines by tracking Domain Authority and comparing it with competitors. Learn more about Domain Authority.
10. External Links

Monitor the number of external links to your site and compare it with your competitors. Learn more about External Links.
Even more metrics to help you stay in control of your search marketing in our KPI Examples section.
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